Tadiran Batteries

Tadiran Batteries
Standard Lithium Cells
iXtra Series:

  • An improved Xtra series for long term high performance. Available in both Cyndrical Cells and Wafer Cells

XOL Series:
  • For EXTREME Long-Term Operation and Memory Backup Available in both Cyndrical Cells and Wafer Cells

Extended Temperature Series:
  • For Operation at Temp. up to 125°C; Available in both Cyndrical Cells and Wafer Cells

Battery Packs:
  • Assembled with wires and connectors Available in Standard Battery Packs only.

  • Product images are for reference only and may be different than the product shipped.
  • The pricing on our website are subject to change without notice.
  • Several of our manufacturers and suppliers are modifying pricing up to the point of shipment.
  • We apologize for this inconvenience but this is beyond the control of One Source Batteries.
  • To confirm or verify product: pricing, availability or image please call (888) 321-9264.